• I am 18 years of age or older.
  • I want to access and view sexually explicit material for my personal use in my private environment only.
  • By viewing the gay escort content I am not violating the community standards of the area I live in.
  • I will not exhibit these images to minors or anyone else who might be offended by them.
  • All escort are at least 18 years of age or older (18 USC 2257). All records are on file with the Custodian of Records, Sleepyboy.com
  • I allow Sleepyboy.com to use cookies to track visits on the site, Sleepyboy.com does not store personal details

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Complaint Policy

sleepyboy.com is committed to resolving all complaints and appeals promptly and in good faith. Any User can report all material directly to the website.

You may also send an email to complaints@sleepyboy.com with your name, email address or username, relevant URLs (if any), a description of the problem (such as underage content, non-consensual content, personal information, impersonation, trademark infringement, spam, prostitution or human trafficking, weapons, drugs etc.), and any additional information (including whether you are depicted in the content, whether you consented tothe content being posted and whether you consented to the content being posted on sleepyboy.com).

We will review and resolve all reported complaints within 7 business days. If a breach has occurred, we will identify the appropriate remedy and take the necessary action. Any content found to be illegal will be removed immediately. We will not take action against other Users for actions occurring on another platform or offline.

Appeals against removal due to infringement can be sent to complaints@sleepyboy.com with a written description of the basis of the appeal. In cases where consent disputes cannot be resolved internally, such disputes will be referred to the competent (company country) court. We will contact you by email or other electronic communication after action has been taken or if further information is required from you.

We reserve the right to take additional action against those Users who (1) repeatedly breach our policies or (2) commit a single egregious breach of our policies. These enhanced actions may include, but are not limited to, deletion of the offending User's account and a permanent ban on future use of sleepyboy.com

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